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Restaurant Invites Only the Homeless for 5 Nights of Dining in Baltimore

Restaurant Invites Only the Homeless for 5 Nights of Dining in Baltimore
Most eateries bank on restaurant week to bring in cash, but Baltimore's Tabrizi's restaurant is shutting its doors to welcome homeless folks to dine all week for free.

Baltimore restaurant owners have been banking on restaurant week to bring in much needed revenue to pad out the losses they suffered during the curfew imposed in April and May.

One restaurant owner, however, has other plans: give the food away for free.

Michael Tabrizi, owner of Tabrizi's restaurant, is partnering with local shelters to bring homeless folks in for a special meal each night from July 20-25.

"These people don't only suffer from hunger, but also from hopelessness, they feel that they don't have any dignity anymore," Tabrizi told Baltimore Magazine. "We want them to come in and feel like they're cared for."

The restaurant, which normally does a lot of business hosting wedding parties and other affairs, will completely shut down for those five days.

(READ more at Baltimore Magazine or visit Tabrizi's Facebook Page.) Photos: Tabrizi, Facebook

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