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Showing 641 - 660 of 703 Posts

Secret Santa Revealed

The Secret Santa from Kansas City has long brightened the hearts of hundreds each holiday season by handing out hundred-dollar bills to strangers on city streets. Now, after 26 years and $1.3 million of anonymous holiday giving, he has decided to reveal his identity.

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Stranger Rescues Woman from House Fire

A rural Kansas woman is lucky to be alive, after a stranger goes to great lengths to rescue her after her home catches fire... Rachel says what scares her most, is that she did not wake up.

Driver Hailed a Hero After Moving Car Rescue

A VAN driver is being hailed a hero after saving the life of a motorist who had a fit while driving along a busy highway. Thanks to Tony Smith's quick thinking, the driver escaped possible death after Tony used his van to slow the car to safety.

9-11 Special: Healing the Soldiers' Wounds

The National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped worked with two dozen veterans of U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this summer, in hopes of helping them work through their emotions and feelings of loss..

Generosity of a Stranger

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Woman Returns Lockbox Containing $40,000

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The Greatest Canadian Ever

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Humble Grocer Quietly Gave Away Millions

Waldemar Kaminski, who quietly ran a food stand in Broadway Market for more than 50 years, has been revealed to be a self-made millionaire and philanthropist who anonymously gave millions to Buffalo charities and neighbors in need.

A Hero to Iraqi Kids, American Soldier Inspired to Give Gifts

An American soldier gets a kick out of bringing gifts to the kids in Iraq. Joe was so moved by the bare feet he saw in Iraq, he urged family and friends to send shoes for the children. The result was 1,200 pairs of shoes and 300 pounds of clothing sent to Iraq in 54 large boxes, inundating the post office.

Ex-Homeless Man Among Eco Heroes

James Burgett started as a homeless Dumpster-diver. He'd build computers out of parts and sell them to feed his drug habit. A company called asking if he wanted 2,000 old desktops.