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Rebecca Looked for the Good in Everyone (even the robbers who took all her money)

Rebecca Looked for the Good in Everyone (even the robbers who took all her money)
Rebecca Eddlemon looked for good in everyone, even the two gunmen who surprised her and husband Oscar Eddlemon in their food market in the mid-1970s.

[Apologies for the notification that just went out to WS fans today, March 10, 2016: We didn't mean to send the alert! This story is from 2006 archives…]

All I need to know about Rebecca Eddlemon, who died March 31 in Grand Prarie, Texas, is captured here in the first two paragraphs of a Dallas Morning News obituary I stumbled upon:

Rebecca Eddlemon looked for good in everyone, even the two gunmen who surprised her and husband Oscar Eddlemon in their food market in the mid-1970s. "They had Daddy laying face down and had Mother down on her knees," said Johnny Eddlemon, 54. "They took her purse and just about everything in the register."

"Afterward, Mother said: ‘You know, I think they were good boys. They just got in with the wrong crowd,' " … That faith and love of people was her trademark.

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