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(UPDATED w/ Video) Harvard Students Take Time to Thank the Janitors

The Harvard Business School took some time last week to show their gratitude for all the work that goes into the MBA experience. The Give Thanks project involved faculty and students being kind to the staff who works so hard every day. The school's Harbus News reported some plans to deliver more than 900 personally written thank-you notes, as well as bringing coffee and bagels to the staff break room.

Medical Students Learned on the Bodies, Now Honor the Donors

Georgetown University medical students recently held their yearly religious service, to say thank you to anatomical donors. Each year, 19,000 medical students in the United States dissect cadavers as part of their Each year their schools hold some type of memorial service at the end of the year to honor donors.

Giving Thanks Helps Reset Your Outlook on Life

Psychologists are discovering why gratitude is so good for you, learning in many experiments that it is one of humanity's most powerful emotions. It makes you happier and can change your attitude about life, like an emotional reset button. Especially in hard times, like these.

New Yorkers Pay Kindness Forward Annually Since 9/11

Jeff Parness, like many New Yorkers, was changed by the terrorist attacks on 9/11. He lost a good friend when the Twin Towers fell, but also was deeply moved by the support the city received from across the nation following the attack. In 2004, he established New York Says Thank You, a nonprofit that sends volunteers from NYC, particularly the city's beloved firefighters, to help rebuild other disaster-stricken communities in the U.S. every September.

Thank You Notes Change Man's Life

An L.A. attorney who, for years, was experiencing a lot of bad luck in his life heard an inner voice telling him to start writing Thank You notes. John Kralik wrote a thank-you card every day for an entire year -- and it changed his life.