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How to Achieve Your Goals By Honoring Your Life

How to Achieve Your Goals By Honoring Your Life
These three tips might be the key to helping you get to where you want to be.

Each of us has moments when we start thinking very deeply about life; moments where we have to ask ourselves one question: Is this what I want to do with my life?

If your answer to that question is yes, then I congratulate you for doing what you think is best for you. Unfortunately, some of us can't say yes to that question. Maybe we've had a series of bad turns that start us thinking about what else we could be doing to improve our lives. If you are in that situation, this might be of help.

1. Momentum is the most powerful force to propel oneself into accomplishing a goal. Momentum is usually used scientifically to describe the rate and acceleration of an object that is moving. But we can also use that term to describe actions within ourselves.

Constant action can lead to rewards and receiving rewards is a powerful incentive for continued action. The more you achieve, the bigger you can dream to achieve in the future. Momentum is powerful fuel for life, but it is always in a fragile state.

By knowing the fragile state of momentum, you will start to develop enemies, some of whom may have been your dearest friends and family. Jealousy, envy, and fear will lead your enemies to place obstacles in your way and doubt in your heart. If they can only slow down your progress, then eventually you may trip and fall.

This is not unlike a talented actor who – during their first week in Los Angeles – books a series of amazing gigs, resulting in a huge burst of momentum. The following weeks and months may be filled with constant rejection, but the initial momentum can continue to power them onwards.

However, most of us know the all too common story of actors who show momentum; they are descended upon by negative people and opinions; the internet will start to spew salacious rumors and lies; former associates might try to sell gossip. So many issues could serve to distract the actor and destroy their momentum. How I deal with this problem leads me to my second point.

2. Honor the pathway life has given you. A life's journey can be filled with pain and heartache, but it can also have moments of joy, wealth, and the overcoming of adversity.

We honor so many things in our life, from our country to our historical figures. So why not take a time of self-reflection to honor your own journey? You are the culmination of a journey that started with your ancestors. You being here now deserves gratified celebration – especially since many other people have not been as fortunate. Each major event in your life is like a milestone marker; it is a marker that shows how far you have come.

When you see from where you have arisen, it gives you the armor to deal with those who seek to stop your momentum. When you honor yourself, you will have humble gratitude for the journey that both you and your ancestors have undertaken.

3. You have to stop comparing yourself to others. I know this is a cliché statement, but I find it easy to lose sight of this simple message. Honor what you have and do not compare it to other people's accomplishments or positions.

In my own mind, I illustrate this concept as a story where I am vacationing with travel companions on tropical islands.

My story continues with the tiny detail that I am not a skilled swimmer. This leads me to a crossroads: should I attempt to swim? Am I a failure for not possessing the skills of others?

As I keep imagining the narrative, I do not attempt such a risky feat. Instead of sinking into self-degradation of my current limitations, I take a moment to offer gratitude for the honor of even being on such islands, surrounded by such beauty. I am grateful for even being given the possibility of finding hidden opportunities by having more time to explore.

You must go through life at your own ability and pace – you never know what may be waiting exclusively for you.

You can try to put these three points into practice one at a time so you do not feel overwhelmed having to do everything at once. Remember that you can adapt and change the previous points so they can fit better to your lifestyle and vision for life. Because, in the end, the main purpose of this advice is to improve your own life – not to force you into following my path.

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