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Cop Who Saved Choking Infant is Asked to Be Her Godfather

Cop Who Saved Choking Infant is Asked to Be Her Godfather
Lieutenant Kenneth Knox was expecting to do his job protecting and serving his community – but he never expected to become a godfather because of it.

This dispatch call was just like any other until it lead to an extraordinary rescue that would change Lieutenant Kenneth Knox's life forever.

Even though the parents had tried CPR, she was turning blue and fading fast.

Knox quickly resorted to reverse CPR and – after a lot of suspense – managed to dislodge the piece of food from her throat.

"She smiled at me for a second and then starting crying, which was music to my ears," Knox wrote on Facebook. "Out of my 25 years being a cop, this is my greatest and most profound accomplishment and it made every second of those 25 years worth it all. I am forever humbled and changed by this."

Ma'Yavi's parents were so grateful, they asked if they would be her godfather, which Knox joyously accepted.

"Ma'Yavi Parham, my precious angel… I swear I will forever be your guardian and love you with all my heart. I will be there for your first day, when you graduate school AND COLLEGE, and even what ever you want"

Click To Share This Sweet Story With Your Friends – Photo by Kenneth Knox

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