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8th-Grader Nails Impersonations Of Trump, Clinton, Obama, Sanders in Graduation Speech (WATCH)

8th-Grader Nails Impersonations Of Trump, Clinton, Obama, Sanders in Graduation Speech (WATCH)
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An Eighth-grader Thomas Middle School outside Chicago was everyone's overwhelming choice to give a commencement speech last week—and now we can see why.

Jack Aiello spoke for eight minutes praising various aspects of the school while impersonating Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

As the Vermont senator, he said lauded the school's cinnamon rolls as the best he'd ever tasted, "But I do have one improvement for them, though: We need to make them free."

"Why should students have to pay for their own cinnamon rolls? Doesn't make any sense. What we need is a cinnamon roll revolution."

John Aiello's video shot on his phone has already received 1.6 million views on YouTube.

(WATCH the speech below)

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