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Woman Celebrates 34th Birthday with 34 Random Acts of Kindness

Katie Jones set up a big white board in her kitchen, numbering 1 to 34, she listed ways to make people happy in celebration of her 34th birthday. She placed a bag of quarters in a Laundromat. She left five dollars on the floor in the dollar store. She gave a Subway sandwich gift card to a homeless man.

Even the Storm Victims Help Others on Thanksgiving (Video)

Even those hit hard financially by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy themselves, were reaching out to help families in Queens, N.Y., who are still in need 17 days later. One businessman who lost $160,000 in inventory still thought to use his Thanksgiving as a time to serve those worse off.

'Turkey Fairy' Strikes Again, Leaving Gifts in Secret

Someone called The Turkey Fairy has been leaving blankets, hats and gloves at a Cleveland bus stop in the middle of the night. On Monday morning, the items were discovered with a note that read, "Happy Thanksgiving. Take gloves, hats, blankets, & stay warm. Love, The Turkey Fairy."

Santa and Mrs. Claus Reside in Utah, Toymakers Deliver 1 Million Handmade Gifts Worldwide

17 years ago, a retired couple in Utah started making handmade wooden toys for poor and sick children. The little cars and trucks were received so enthusiastically in the local hospital, a workshop was set up which has since delivered more than 1.1 million toys to kids around the world. News spread around Cedar City telling of a Happy Factory where retired couples could come to laugh and give their time in a collective effort to make kids happy around the globe.

Santa's Mailroom Helpers Moved by Letters to Help

Operation Santa Claus, hidden away in New York City's main Post Office, lets donors become elves fulfilling wishes expressed by needy children in their letters to Santa. Across the US, 75 Post Offices are helping, six times many as last year.