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Woman Celebrates 34th Birthday with 34 Random Acts of Kindness

Katie Jones set up a big white board in her kitchen, numbering 1 to 34, she listed ways to make people happy in celebration of her 34th birthday. She placed a bag of quarters in a Laundromat. She left five dollars on the floor in the dollar store. She gave a Subway sandwich gift card to a homeless man.

Stranger Gives Waitress a $1,000 Tip to Fund her Dream Trip To Italy

A blogger on Tumblr shared an inspiring story about her mom who is a waitress and her long-time dream to go to Italy and visit her family's roots. She was telling a diner that her family is from Florence, but she's never been there. This man who we have never seen before tipped her $1,000 dollars for a trip to Italy. Walked out, not another word.

Wedding Services All Conjured Last-Minute for Bride With Sudden, Severe Cancer

Proof that human kindness and generosity has not gone out of style, a wedding planner worked for weeks with volunteers and vendors in April to create the Wedding of a Lifetime for cancer patient, Jennifer Batugo and her fiance Brian Gargano. They needed a last minute date change for their planned August wedding because the bride may not live that long.

An Unexpected Hero in Boston Relief Efforts: the Reddit Website

The power of social media was revealed on Reddit when regulars there rallied to provide aid to victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Overnight, heroes were recognized and thousands of netizens donated to those people everything from pizzas to rooms with hot showers to free miles for airline flights. (CS Monitor)

Six Amazing Ways People Helped After Boston Marathon Tragedy

Mr. Rogers offered a famous answer to the question of what to tell children when scary things happen on the news. It holds true for all of us if we want to learn about what happened in Boston yesterday: Look for the helpers. We can always focus on the actions of the helpers, if we want to feel better.

One-of-a-Kind Racing Car Simulator Cheers Kids in Hospital

A generous gift is making life more enjoyable for children at UNC Children's Hospital. It's a video game built with the same materials as real race cars. The lime green racing simulator won't be found in any arcade; Mark Smith designed it specifically with patients like Dylan in mind.

Office Lotto Winners Share Wealth With Coworker Who Opted Out

After she declined to play and all her coworkers won a million dollars in the Powerball Jackpot, the office manager of a real estate company, who was hired just three weeks ago, found out why the group calls itself a family. None of them hesitated to share a portion of their $83,000 net winnings with 'the new girl'.

Anonymous Donor Provides $50,000 for Hurricane Sandy Relief

In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, many Connecticut residents continue to struggle to recover their livelihoods and to provide nutritious food, safe shelter, transportation, clothing, and medical supplies for their families. A philanthropic family from Northwest Connecticut, who wishes to remain anonymous, has stepped in to help.

Homeless Man Who Returned Diamond Ring Gets $100,000 In Donations, Plus Call From Sister

A lot of national attention has been showered on Billy Ray Harris, a panhandler in Missouri, after he returned a diamond engagement ring that accidentally dropped into his change cup when a woman was pouring in the contents of her change purse. The woman's husband, Bill Krejci, was so grateful for the honest man's efforts to return the ring, and so many friends asked how they could help, that a fundraising page was set up for Billy Ray on Feb. 14. As of this morning, Feb. 23, the Give Forward page just passed $100,000.

Man Plays Santa "Claws" For Needy Children

Al Capri pays just 50 cents for his therapy sessions and thousands of children have benefitted. Al's therapy comes from sitting in front of the claw machine, meticulously grabbing stuffed toys with the claw using concentration of a surgeon. He always wins the toys, which he donates by the boxful to needy kids.

Pay-It-Forward Chain Lasts 3 Hours at Canadian Coffee Shop

In a show of seasonal goodwill, coffee drinkers in line at a Winnipeg drive-through paid it forward for 228 customers in a row on Friday, according to the staff at Tim Hortons. A customer at the Manitoba coffee shop started the chain by paying for his own order and the order for the car behind him. Inspired by the generosity, drivers paid it backward for the next three hours.

Tenants in Posh Building Help Concierge Raise Money for his Village

Jean Kabre is the concierge and event planner at 101 Constitution — a place full of people focused on power, influence, and Congressional lobbying. But when word got out that Kabre was helping support dozens of family members in his home village in Burkina Faso, the people whom Kabre had come to know as his friends, pitched in at astounding levels.

Even the Storm Victims Help Others on Thanksgiving (Video)

Even those hit hard financially by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy themselves, were reaching out to help families in Queens, N.Y., who are still in need 17 days later. One businessman who lost $160,000 in inventory still thought to use his Thanksgiving as a time to serve those worse off.

'Turkey Fairy' Strikes Again, Leaving Gifts in Secret

Someone called The Turkey Fairy has been leaving blankets, hats and gloves at a Cleveland bus stop in the middle of the night. On Monday morning, the items were discovered with a note that read, "Happy Thanksgiving. Take gloves, hats, blankets, & stay warm. Love, The Turkey Fairy."

Santa and Mrs. Claus Reside in Utah, Toymakers Deliver 1 Million Handmade Gifts Worldwide

17 years ago, a retired couple in Utah started making handmade wooden toys for poor and sick children. The little cars and trucks were received so enthusiastically in the local hospital, a workshop was set up which has since delivered more than 1.1 million toys to kids around the world. News spread around Cedar City telling of a Happy Factory where retired couples could come to laugh and give their time in a collective effort to make kids happy around the globe.

Facebook Post Rescues MS Patient From a Year of Lack

Friends answered the call on a sister's Facebook page to re-fill the heart of a woman with severe Multiple Sclerosis. They supplied things that most people would take for granted. What started as a dismal situation turned into a heart-warming campaign that spread across the social network like a friendly virus.