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How One Family Was Blessed By "Shop With a Hero"

Michigan's Shop with a Hero program allows police officers and firefighters to take children Christmas shopping. In Ingham County, 55 children were able to be shoppers this year strolling the aisles of a department store and picking out items totaling $100. With additional donations, each family also received a ham, turkey, milk, and food, a $25 Meijer gift card and more. One woman described what it meant for her and her family.

6-Year-Old's Christmas Wish for Prosthetic Arm Comes True, Thanks to Online Donors

When Christopher Kiezek sat on Santa's knee recently, like a lot of kids, he asked for an Xbox One. But he also asked for a new arm so he could play it. He was born without fingers and his mother says the insurance company won't pay for a prosthetic device because it wasn't necessary for the boy's life. A family friend, moved by the boy's Christmas wish, set about to touch others with the story.

We're Starting to Think Homeless Men Are the Most Honest Anywhere

Joel Hartman was digging through a dumpster, hoping to find someone's leftover food. Instead, he found a French woman's wallet. Not only did he not keep the contents, he searched four hotels in order to find the woman. This story has many happy endings, beginning with a generous four-diamond hotel that rewarded him in a big way for his good deed.

(Update) Shoplifting Mom Given More Groceries and New Job

A police officer in south Florida was faced Monday with the prospect of arresting a single mother who was caught shoplifting groceries to feed her family. Vicki Thomas was so moved by the plight of the struggling mom of three children that she decided to buy her $100 worth of groceries. Since the story went public Monday, the public has also stepped up to help Jessica Robles.

Paying it Forward, One Drive-through at a Time

Generous patrons at coffee, bagel shops and fast food drive-throughs have been spreading a little kindness to fellow restaurant-goers by becoming the anonymous benefactors of other people's meals, paying their orders before they even get to the window.

(UPDATE) Fund For Honest Boston Homeless Man Breaks $100,000

The Glen James fund, set up for the homeless man who returned a backpack with $42,000 inside, has collected more than double that in donations. The Virginia man who started the campaign calls it amazing and a statement to everyone in America. As of this morning, more than 4,000 people have given money to support a better, healthier life for Mr. James, who found the backpack Saturday but immediately turned it over to police

The Tip Fairy Spreads Joy, Leaving $200 for Waiters Around Town

Two video pranksters, Andrew Hales and Stuart Edge, teamed up to bring happiness to three deserving coffee shop servers in Orem, Utah. After asking them to name the biggest tip they ever got, they trumped it by leaving $200, and then hid outside in the bushes to record their surprised reactions through the window