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Famous Republican Sings Praises of Famous Democrat

In an election year when it seems that the two political parties have become hopelessly divided, a former Republican presidential candidate has published a loving tribute to recently deceased Democratic presidential candidate, George McGovern. Despite their differences, former Senator Bob Dole struck up a friendship with McGovern and together they worked to create good in the world.

Be a Star at Thanksgiving: 8 Awe-Inspiring Stories to Bring to the Party

Need some conversation starters to steer away from politics or Aunt Millie's surgery during your family gatherings? Here are eight compelling and funny stories from Good News Network to engage any audience. 14 Yrs After Receiving a Shoebox Gift, Filipino Girl Marries Idaho Boy Who Sent it When a young Filipino girl received a gift-filled […]

Nevada Man Plans Peace Bike Ride Across Iran

Six years ago Rick Gunn, 49, left his job to cycle across the world. He also met up with Iranian-born cyclist Mohammad Tajeran to cross Malaysia as a team. Now, the two are planning to reunite next month to ride their bikes across Iran in a symbolic gesture of peace.