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Commuters Convene 'Back of the Bus Club,' Still Meet Daily 25 Years Later

Commuters Convene 'Back of the Bus Club,' Still Meet Daily 25 Years Later
The Back of the Bus Club was born 25 years ago, when a small group of Washington State bus riders started chatting and made it a daily friendship ritual.

What if, instead of just seeing your daily commute as a way to get from Point A to Point B, you viewed it as an opportunity to form a fun social alliance with strangers?

For one group of city bus riders, that's just how the Back of the Bus Club was formed.

It all started twenty five years ago, when a small group of Washington State bus riders started chatting in the back seat. They hit it off and made the morning meeting part of their daily routine, sharing their lives and becoming great friends.


Their chemistry was contagious, and soon other passengers wanted in on the fun.

"They were laughing and enjoying each other's company," Edie Burke told King 5 News. "So, I slowly started sitting closer and closer until I was accepted into the group."

The group has grown to about 20 members over the years, including spouses, and they've even hosted monthly dinners and Christmas parties.

"We're together at least an hour and a half a day," Cawley told KING 5 News. "Most people don't spend that much time talking with their family. That's how we got to be so close."

Commuters can take a cue from the Back of the Bus Club - look up from your phone, laptop or book and try striking up a conversation. It may be the beginning of a whole new journey.

(WATCH the video below, or READ more at KING-5 News *NOTE: auto-playing audio so adjust your speakers) Photo: KING-TV video

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