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Football Player's Unbreakable Bond with the Teammate He Paralyzed

Football Player's Unbreakable Bond with the Teammate He Paralyzed
When Kurt Coleman takes the field in Super Bowl 50, a former teammate who became paralyzed due to Coleman's tackle will be rooting hard for his old friend.

When Kurt Coleman took the field in Super Bowl 50, a former teammate who became paralyzed because of Coleman's tackle was rooting hard for the Panthers.

The Carolina safety, in part, was playing for Tyson Gentry. The two men have formed an unbreakable bond since Coleman's routine hit broke Gentry's neck when they played together at Ohio State.

This is the story of a remarkable relationship that sprung from that horrific accident 10 years ago.

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During the start of his senior year Gentry rolled his wheelchair into a new class and met a woman who had been sitting in one of the handicap desks because she came late and it was in the back row.

"If Ty didn't break his neck, we wouldn't have met, wouldn't have gotten married," Megan told ESPN. "We're huge believers in everything happens for a reason."

They're expecting a baby boy in mid-March. His name will be Adam Cole Gentry- Cole for Coleman.

(WATCH the video below or READ the feature at ESPN) -Photo via Ohio State

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