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Showing 161 - 171 of 171 Posts

KFC Stands Up For Transgender Woman Who Was Fired

Last week in Virginia, a transgender woman was given a job at a local KFC restaurant –and then had her heart broken within an hour as she was fired for being trans-gender. The corporate headquarters of KFC soon stepped in and offered her a new job and fired the manager who discriminated against her. WANT […]

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Postman Delivers Lesson in Happiness

Typically, post office lines breed anger and frustration. But at the head of this queue on the campus of Penn State University in State College, Pa., you'll find nothing but joy. My mission is to make them have a little bit of levity on the way out and say, 'Hey, it's not so bad after all,' says Mike Herr. To that end, Mike lives by a simple motto: if you can't say something nice about someone, you're just not looking hard enough.

NYC Programmer Offers to Teach Bright Homeless Guy to Code

Every day on his way to work Patrick McConlogue passes a young man who lives on the streets. Last week, McConlogue, a New York City entrepreneur, programmer and designer, decided to offer the man a choice: Either he could accept $100 in cash, or he could learn how to code and be given three books on JavaScript, a used laptop and free lessons for one hour each day.

D.C. Barbecue Joint Serves Food For Soul And Mind

Washington, D.C., has a thriving restaurant market with a plethora of restaurants serving its multicultural residents. But this barbecue eatery offers more than food on its menu. Inspire BBQ aims to reclaim troubled young people, teach them a trade, and give them a chance at success.