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A Win-Win: Realtor Hires Panhandler to Hold a Different Sign

A Denver businessman devised a new way to help the homeless, after his car ran out of gas on the corner where a lonely man daily holds a sign that says, 'Homeless, Cold, and Hungry'. The man dropped his sign and helped push the car out of the intersection. Chris Rezac holds a different sign today, one that advertises realtor Joe Manzaneres's business, and his life has changed because of the new and guaranteed income.

Tiny Family Farm Thrives on 1/5 Acre in Heart of Suburban Neighborhood

In the Los Angeles community of Pasadena -- a suburban mix of nice restaurants and well-tended front lawns -- there is a home wedged in among the other houses where the entire front yard is edible. A man's little family farm, in the midst of American suburbia, is his way of breaking free without really going anywhere.

Happy Adolescents Likely to Have Higher Incomes as Adults

Are you sure money can't buy you happiness? New research suggests that the relationship between money and happiness and is far more complex. Two leading economists claim that the happiness levels of teens clearly determined the likelihood of whether they would go on to earn higher incomes later in life.

Happy Employees, Culture of 'Weirdness' Equals Success for Green Products Company Method

Since Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan launched Method in 2000, to sell pretty bottles of eco-friendly soaps and cleaners in glowing pastel colors, the company has grown into a $100 million (£62.3m) company. Their company's culture of keeping it weird is a social mission that keeps employees happy. To stay focused on employee happiness and high-end innovative design is the business model.

Workers' Happiness Rubs Off on Customers, Profits

In the past five years, the financial industry has taken a drubbing with plunging profits, allegations of improper behavior, and customer backlash against rising fees. But various sources list one bank as a best place to work, and its practices may provide a blueprint to other companies on how to keep workers engaged even during tough times. Umpqua Bank is known as the world's best bank.

Happy Employees Give Companies Higher Return for Investors

If your company was listed in Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in America, you had equity returns that were 3.5% per year higher than those of your peers. A new study reveals that employee satisfaction correlates positively with shareholder returns, says Alex Edmans of the Wharton School.

Small Businesses Put Ex-cons to Work

Ten years ago, Debbie Jakacki, owner of Jakacki Bag & Barrel in Chicago, a family business that's been around since 1942, found herself continually frustrated by her employees. We didn't have a lot of people who had a great work ethic, says Jakacki. After learning about the Safer Foundation, a Chicago-based nonprofit that helps people with criminal records find gainful employment, she decided to give it a try, and it has worked out very well.

Rewards of Federal Service

Those who make sport out of denigrating the federal workforce should meet the winners of this year's Samuel Heyman 'Service to America Medals'. For the 10th year, public servants were honored at a black-tie gala, presented by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service.

Apple to Build Macs in Texas

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Tuesday the company will build Macs in Texas using some parts made in Illinois and Florida. Cook said the factory will open later this year.

Canada Stuns with Biggest Job Gains in 11 Years

Canada's economy created a surprising 95,000 jobs in May, the biggest monthly gain in 11 years, and most were full-time positions and in the private sector, Statistics Canada said on Friday in a report showing the economy may be gaining momentum.