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School's Tidal Wave of Thanks For Old Lady Who Waves Every Day

For years, Tinney Davidson has nestled into a chair every morning in her sunny front window and waved to the high school teenagers as they walked to school -- and she would resume her energetic waving in the afternoon, on their walk home, bringing a smile to their lips even on their worst days. On Valentines Day last Friday, the 84 year-old woman in Comax, British Columbia received the surprise of her life when students escorted her to a school assembly organized with the sole goal of thanking her for her years of friendliness.

Pizza Man With Heart Funds Elderly Meals Program

The owner of Fox's Pizza, Tom Wynkoop, who earned media attention in early January after he volunteered to deliver their medicines to any homebound residents during an extreme snow storm in Pennsylvania, received many donations in the mail from strangers who heard about the gesture. Wynkoop thought about positive avenues in which to distribute the money, and he chose the local Meals on Wheels program, which delivers hot meals to shut-ins. He then matched the donations, doubling the amount of the check to $2,000.

Why Can't This Grandma Stay Out of Prison?

Grandmas, by their very nature, don't want trouble. But 81-year-old SuEllen Fried of Prairie Village, Kansas, has defied that stereotype and brought her sweet, soft touch to prisoners behind the razor-wire walls for over 30 years. I am addicted to personal transformation, she told CBS's Steve Hartman. Fried started coming to Lansing Correctional around 1980 for what she thought would be a little volunteer work, but ended up committed to these guys — for life.