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Grandma Drives Away Trouble On Her City's Toughest Streets

Grandma Drives Away Trouble On Her City's Toughest Streets
This 77-yr-old grandmother is making her neighborhood a better place because she doesn't back down from trouble.

This 77-year-old lady proves you don't need to be a heavyweight boxer or carry a big stick to keep the peace on Milwaukee's toughest streets at night.

Martha Freeman believes young people make bad choices in life because they don't receive proper respect and guidance.

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The former detention center guard, who during the day delivers donated bread to the neediest in her neighborhood, isn't afraid to confront the teenage tough-guys hanging out on street corners-but she does it with compassion and the concern of a grandmother.

Both young and old call her "mama", and she earns that respect every time she goes out on nightly patrols through poor neighborhoods, telling folks they don't have to settle for a life of crime - because they've got her tough love to fall back on.

(WATCH the video below from CBS News) - Photo: CBS News video

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