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Showing 121 - 140 of 605 Posts

Utah Hiker Survives With Broken Leg and No Food

The hunger and pain weren't the worst of Victoria Grover's ordeal as she shivered alone for four days with a broken leg and no food in Utah's rugged wilderness. The toughest challenge the 59-year-old faced was the severe cold which left her suffering with hypothermia as nighttime temperatures dropped to the low 30s in the high desert.

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White Rhino Comeback- a Success Story That Gives Hope

Africa's white rhinos were driven to the brink of extinction in the early 20th century as poachers hunted the animal for its horn. A breeding program launched in Botswana over 10 years ago has been successful in bringing the white rhino back to Botswana's bush, and lifting it off the endangered species list.

Boy Hears Back From Heaven After Writing Letter

Bailey, 11, tied a letter to God to a helium balloon and sent it flying into the sky, asking what it was like in heaven and whether miracles actually happened. There may or may not be a God, but there certainly are good people in the world, like the Brampton criminal lawyer who wrote back.

Migrating Geese Avoid Offshore Wind Farms, Says Study

By monitoring the movement of pink-footed geese over four years, researchers were able to detect changes in flight patterns around two newly erected offshore wind farms in the UK, suggesting that the species can identify the threat and avoid the spinning blades.