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Linda McCollum

Rising Star
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Happiness Movement Launches This Week in Britain

A growing band of British economists, politicians and academics is thinking seriously about happiness — and they are putting theory into practice by starting a "mass movement for a happier society." Action for Happiness launched Tuesday in London, encouraging hugging, meditation and random acts of kindness.

Purple Means Complaints Stop Here

A Complaint Free World, written by a Missouri pastor whose sermon about the negativity of complaining has become a worldwide phenomenon. He urged people to keep track of how much they complain by moving a little purple wristband from arm to arm each time they groused, and almost six million bracelets have been given out worldwide to date.

Discarded Paintings Net Goodwill $150,000

The manager of the Goodwill store knew they were valuable the minute she laid her eyes on the luminous, framed canvases that were left overnight in the donation bin. They were taken to an auction house where they were sold for a combined total of more than $150,000.

Boy Hears Back From Heaven After Writing Letter

Bailey, 11, tied a letter to God to a helium balloon and sent it flying into the sky, asking what it was like in heaven and whether miracles actually happened. There may or may not be a God, but there certainly are good people in the world, like the Brampton criminal lawyer who wrote back.

Boy Saves Gorillas, One Egg at a Time

When James Brooks got a chance to meet the gorillas at the Toronto Zoo, it was definitely the highlight of his day. He is the founder of a charity that helps protect the rare eastern lowland gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo through support for a group of widows and schoolchildren living nearby The […]

Kindness Sticky Notes are Contagious for High School Class

Katherine Cornthwaite's Grade 10 class went silent when she read aloud a small story about a garbage collector's kindness, from the newspaper. Then they earned a pizza party for filling a board with their own kindness stories written on sticky notes...

A Hopeful and Tolerant New Generation

Today's teens have more close friends, better relations with parents and are not nearly as sex-crazy as people think. Most teens engage in sex about as often as seniors. Fifty-six per cent say they never engage in sex.

Success of Boy Born Without Cerebellum a Mystery to Doctors

According to conventional medical wisdom, three-year-old Chase Britton shouldn't be able to walk. He shouldn't be able to stand, let alone balance himself as he puts one foot in front of the other. The fact that he even breathes on his own is nothing short of remarkable. He is, quite simply, a medical miracle.

Giving Hate a Bodycheck

A former racist skinhead who inspired Ed Norton's character in the film American History X, now runs Harmony Through Hockey, a program that encourages racial harmony through sport. Frank Meeink turned to hockey after a prison term during which he met some African-American ball hockey players and realized they had a lot in common… (Read […]