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Buddhists Coexist with Tigers at Sanctuary

Buddhists Coexist with Tigers at Sanctuary
A remarkable monastery in Thailand that cares for wild animals which are being squeezed off their land with too much development. PBS's Religion and Ethics Newsweekly features video of tigers walking around with monks and allowing visitors to pet them, even wrestle with their cubs.

A remarkable monastery in Thailand cares for wild animals which are being squeezed off their land by too much development. 

A video shows tigers walking next to monks and allowing visitors to pet them, even wrestle with their cubs. A beautiful story of compassion.

The animal senses that the only thing in the minds of the monks is peace. Now, the monastery is raising money for a tiger island sanctuary. Tourism is a natural outgrowth of the peaceful coexistance the monks have established here. Reincarnation is part of the reason behind the compassion.

(Read the text or view the video from PBS's Religion and Ethics Newsweekly)

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