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Survey Says That 76% of American Parents Are Being Motivated By Their Kids to Go Green

Survey Says That 76% of American Parents Are Being Motivated By Their Kids to Go Green
More and more American families are being encouraged to go green – and according to this survey, the household children are the ones advocating for change.

A new survey of American households says that the younger generation may be driving the change for "eco-households" more than anyone thought.

While parents should be educating their children to respect the Earth, the survey results found that 76% of parents actually feel their child is the one who advocates for environmentally-friendly changes in their home.

The survey of 2,000 Americans found that 7 in 10 Americans consider their domicile to be an eco-household.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocado Green Mattress, the survey listed terms that define the key characteristics of an eco-home. Results found that a green residence most commonly included active recycling, avoiding wasting food and reducing energy consumption. That's in addition to bringing reusable bags to the grocery store and avoiding plastic straws.

Regardless of how environmentally-friendly they consider themselves to be, results found that 77% of respondents would like to be even greener – and for many, having children is a catalyst for wanting to become more green (41%).

88% believe it's important for the next generation(s) to be taught about being environmentally-friendly—and respondents believe teachers have the most responsibility for teaching children about being kind to the environment (80%). This was followed by parents (80%), the government (52%) and companies (35%).

In addition to wanting a better world for their children, 59% report that their desire to be more environmentally-friendly simply comes from wanting the world to be a better place.

WHAT'S MADE YOU WANT TO BE MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY? 1. Simply wanting the world to be a better place    59% 2. Watching Earth-focused documentaries              44% 3. Having kids                                                     41% 4. News coverage of environment-focused topics    40% 5. My own research                                              40%

85% believe that small actions can add up to make a big difference for the environment—and one small action respondents are taking is purchasing ethical products.

37% report "often" purchasing products that are ethical and environmentally friendly.

And respondents report being more likely to buy from a company that offers sustainable products (57%), uses organic or natural ingredients (51%) and that has good ethical practices (48%).

"For the health of our families and of our planet, we all need to start making changes. But even small lifestyle changes add up to progress," said Mark Abrials, the Co-Founder and CMO of Avocado Mattress. "It's an exciting step forward to see consumers becoming more discerning and actively seeking out ethically and sustainably manufactured products."

AN ‘ECO-HOUSEHOLD' INCLUDES . . . 1. Recycling 50% 2. Avoid wasting food 41% 3. Reducing energy consumption 38% 4. Bringing reusable bags to the store 37% 5. Avoiding plastic straws 37% 6. Turning off lights and electronics when leaving a room 35% 7. Using LED lights at home 34% 8. Avoiding plastic water bottles 34% 9. Donating items when no longer needed 33% 10. Composting 32% 11. Purchasing from ethical/sustainable brands 31% 12. Buying local foods (farmer's market, etc.) 29% 13. Opting for paperless billing 29% 14. Opening the window instead of using the heat/AC – 28% 15. Turning off the computer – 28% 16. Opening the blinds instead of turning on the light – 28% 17. Taking shorter showers – 26% 18. Researching brands' sustainability practices – 24% 19. Limiting meat consumption – 24% 20. Using public transportation – 22%

Go Green With Your Friends By Sharing The Survey To Social Media – File photo by Dru Bloomfield, CC

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