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Transplant Nurse Donates Own Kidney to Patient

The way Clay Taber looks at it, he's got three moms now, after a transplant nurse, practically a stranger, donated one of her healthy kidneys so that he might start married life untethered to a dialysis machine. When she heard a young 22-year-old man was in renal failure, she said, "It just tore me up."

Boy, 9, Wins Disney Trip and Donates it to Fallen Soldier's Family

Inspired by a man who traded a red paper clip to get a house using Craig's List, Brendan Haas hatched a scheme to earn a trip to Disney World. But instead of vacationing himself, the Massachusetts boy gave the all-expenses paid trip to the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. It only took four months of trading, beginning with Brendan offering his toy soldier on a webpage.

Lemonade Stand Sends Loving Relief to Burma

Molly Long decided to take the concept of a childhood lemonade stand to the international relief level last weekend. After seeing a picture of a homeless child in Burma, Molly decided to put her resources to work to help children who were affected by the cyclone in Burma.

11-Year-Old's Idea to Become Law

Florida restaurants usually throw out perfectly good food that 11 year-old Jack Davis figures can feed the hungry and the homeless. He is now trying to reverse a Florida law and provide protection for restaurants from being sued if anyone who ate the food became ill or developed food poisoning.

Third Graders Helping to Stop Childhood Hunger

Baking cookies and selling brownies don't seem like solutions that could end childhood hunger, yet, thanks to the Great American Bake Sale Campaign, 5.3 million nutritious meals and snacks were served to low-income children paid for by proceeds from bakes sales all across the country.