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Boy, 9, Wins Disney Trip and Donates it to Fallen Soldier's Family

Boy, 9, Wins Disney Trip and Donates it to Fallen Soldier's Family
Inspired by a man who traded a red paper clip to get a house using Craig's List, Brendan Haas hatched a scheme to earn a trip to Disney World. But instead of vacationing himself, the Massachusetts boy gave the all-expenses paid trip to the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. It only took four months of trading, beginning with Brendan offering his toy soldier on a webpage.

Inspired by a man who traded a red paper clip to get a house on Craig's List, Brendan Haas hatched a scheme to earn a trip to Disney World. But instead of vacationing himself, the Massachusetts boy gave the all-expenses paid trip to the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan.

It only took four months of trading, beginning with Brendan offering his toy soldier on a Facebook page his mother helped set up, called A Soldier for a Soldier.

On Memorial Day, the boy pulled the name of 2-year-old Liberty Hope Steele out of a hat. She is the daughter of U.S. Army Lt. Timothy Steele, 25, who was killed last August in Afghanistan. Brendan's family was delighted that the winning family lived just a couple towns away and drove there to present the prize.

(WATCH the video below, or READ the story from MSNBC)

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