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Potential Diplomatic Breakthrough on Syria Chemical Weapons

Russia and France are working on plans for bringing Syria's chemical weapons under international control, after the idea emerged as a way to address the threat of chemical attacks in the country and potentially avoid U.S military strikes. U.S. President Barack Obama has called the Russian plan to put Syria's stockpile under international control a potential breakthrough and stressed that he overwhelmingly prefers diplomacy in deterring Syria's use of chemical weapons. Meanwhile, the Syrian Foreign Minister endorsed the Russian plan, saying it would be a way to avoid what he called U.S. aggression.

Bosnia's Progress a Tribute to Holbrooke

Richard Holbrooke believed in Bosnia. As we mourned his passing, we also mark the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, the agreement that culminated his efforts in the Balkans, Denis Prcic, the president of the American University in Bosnia, wrote yesterday in CNN International.

All-Party Peace Talks on Northern Ireland

After nearly 30 years of violence between Protestants and Catholics, a July cease-fire remains in place and Britain's new leader Tony Blair has coaxed historic enemies to sit down at the negotiating table.

Easter Peace Accord Signed in Northern Ireland!

The two-year-old peace talks in Northern Ireland finally produced a settlement this afternoon after an imposed deadline forced a 32-hour marathon debate among the parties. Weary, but determined delegates from 2 countries and 8 different political factions signed off on the agreement which would, if ratified, establish self-rule for Northern Ireland, which has been under direct British control for 26 years. It would also create historic cooperation with the independent Republic of Ireland to the south.