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Bosnia's Progress a Tribute to Holbrooke

Bosnia's Progress a Tribute to Holbrooke
Richard Holbrooke believed in Bosnia. As we mourned his passing, we also mark the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, the agreement that culminated his efforts in the Balkans, Denis Prcic, the president of the American University in Bosnia, wrote yesterday in CNN International.

Richard Holbrooke believed in Bosnia. As we mourn his passing, we also mark the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, the agreement that culminated his efforts in the Balkans, Denis Prcic, the president of the American University in Bosnia, wrote yesterday in CNN International. The physical damage of the war has been largely repaired and … progress is evident in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador Holbrooke knew that progress here was attainable. He was not only a great diplomat but also a true friend to our country. We should honor him by living out his dream for us to succeed and flourish as a nation.

(READ the tribute at CNN.com)

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