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Goodwill Summit Ends 50-year Korean Cold War

The first meeting ever between the leaders of North and South Korea sparked friendship between former foes and produced an historic accord that pledges both countries to "work independently" on common ground issues to achieve "national unification".

Breakthrough on Road to Irish Peace

On May 7, 2000 the Irish Republican Army made its most groundbreaking pledge since its cease-fire six years ago: to put IRA arms beyond use and allow independent inspections of its hidden arsenals.

U.S. Forces Rescue Iranians at Sea for Second Time in a Week

The U.S. Coast Guard rescued six Iranians from sea whose boat had flooded on Tuesday in the Gulf, the second time in less than a week that the American military has come to the aid of Iranians in distress. The earlier rescue involved pirates, with the US Navy boarding a ship to free 13 Iranian fishermen who had been held hostage for weeks by Somalis.

Cease-fire in Gaza Conflict Announced by Egypt, US

The Egyptian government announced that Israel and Palestinian leaders in the Gaza strip have agreed to halt hostilities after eight days of Israeli bombardment of the enclave and hundreds of rocket strikes inside Israel. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who engaged in intensive shuttle diplomacy aimed at ending the conflict was present for the announcement.

Iran Halts Higher-grade Uranium Enrichment

Iran has halted its most disputed nuclear activity under a ground-breaking deal with six world powers, a confidential U.N. atomic agency report obtained by Reuters showed, paving the way for the easing of some Western sanctions against Tehran.

Emotional Reunions for Koreans after 50 years

Emotions ran high this week at Seoul's Convention Center in South Korea as 100 Korean families from both sides of the border were reunited for the first time in half a century following the historic June agreement to work toward better relations between the two Koreas.