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Blue Butterfly Back From the Brink

The Smithsonian published a feature article in 2005 called Back From the Brink that asserted: "Not every endangered species is doomed. Thanks to tough laws, dedicated researchers, and plenty of money and effort, success stories abound." The Hawaiian green sea turtle is one such success featured in the magazine, along with the bald eagle, palila songbird, […]

Oyster Tide is Turning

In a rare show of consensus, scientists, fishermen, environmentalists and area residents are joining together to restore the Chesapeake Bay's historic shellfish bars, or reefs, where oysters thrive.

Help for Hot Spots

A $150 million global fund has been launched to provide protection for environmental “hot spots” that contain the most dense array of plant and animal biodiversity around the planet.

Famous Republican Sings Praises of Famous Democrat

In an election year when it seems that the two political parties have become hopelessly divided, a former Republican presidential candidate has published a loving tribute to recently deceased Democratic presidential candidate, George McGovern. Despite their differences, former Senator Bob Dole struck up a friendship with McGovern and together they worked to create good in the world.

In Rare Deal, Israel, Jordan, Palestinians Shake Hands Over Something: Water

The Dead Sea, which faces a rapidly shrinking water level, has been a source of constant quarreling in a water-scarce region plagued by seemingly endless political turmoil. But, on Monday, in a moment of rarity, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority signed a historic agreement at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., aimed at fostering water cooperation and initiating a project to help save the body of water.

Leading Paper Producer to Halt Deforestation in Indonesian

The world's third largest paper company, Asia Pulp and Paper, announced in February an immediate end to all natural forest clearing in its supply chains in Indonesia. The company's pledge to stop making paper from the pulped remains of some of the last virgin rainforests, along with its improved transparency, will help protect endangered Sumatran tigers and orangutans and forested peatlands that store massive amounts of greenhouse gases.

U2's Bono Salutes Military Heroes in D.C.

Tina Brown, editor in chief of Newsweek, kicked off her first annual Hero Summit last week in Washington to bring together military heroes and exceptional civilians for meaningful dialogues and information-sharing.