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Good Neighbors Come in All Income Brackets

Good Neighbors Come in All Income Brackets
Good neighbors fixed fence that had been knocked down in hit and run, because they appreciate the neighbor's generosity at other times.

[Anonymous author] It is not common to hear good news about Espanola, New Mexico, so I thought I would share this story about neighborly generosity.

A few weeks ago, on a Saturday evening when we were not at home, a car came around the corner and knocked down about 25 feet of the coyote fence in the back of our house.

A week later, after breakfast, we noticed a car parked by the broken fence and a man and a woman were throwing new latillas up on the rocks in our yard. We thought to ourselves that the people who knocked the fence down had decided to fix it. But when we went out to speak to them, they told us that they had noticed what good care we took of our property and that we had even put a bench on the corner for the children to use while they waited for the school bus and God had told them that they should fix the fence for us.

Although these people lived in the HUD Housing Development up the road from our property, they wouldn't even allow us to pay for the materials they would use. And so a few days later, we had our fence all repaired and although we have told as many people as possible about their wonderful neighborliness, they will not permit us to tell anyone their names. Isn't it amazing how often the people with the least amount of wealth, are so willing to give of what little they have and to give so freely of their time and effort? We are very grateful to have such kind, thoughtful neighbors.

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