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Showing 41 - 60 of 121 Posts

Burundi Rebels Agree to Truce Plan

Burundi's government and the country's last active rebel group have signed a ceasefire that has committed the sides to engage in serious discussions aimed at ending hostilities and to reach a comprehensive ceasefire within the period of two weeks.

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Gardeners Team Up to Grow 60,000 Pounds of Produce for New Mexico Food Pantries

In 2008 Leslie Davis suggested to her mother, a Master Gardener in New Mexico, that in addition to cultivating flowers for worthy causes, she might try growing fresh produce for the community, especially since the recent recession had left so many people unemployed who were visiting overburdened food pantries. That discussion five years ago grew like a seed into a thriving bounty of volunteers who harvest thousands of pounds of produce, sometimes in a singe weekend, for people in need.

New Orleans Firefighters Repaying the Favor for New Yorkers After Floods

After living through Hurricane Katrina six years ago, New Orleans firefighters recalled the help provided by New York City Firefighters, who arrived on the seen within days of the Louisiana levees breaking. Now they are repaying the favor, clearing out tons of debris in homes of firefighters whose Breezy Point homes were flooded.

Tenants in Posh Building Help Concierge Raise Money for his Village

Jean Kabre is the concierge and event planner at 101 Constitution — a place full of people focused on power, influence, and Congressional lobbying. But when word got out that Kabre was helping support dozens of family members in his home village in Burkina Faso, the people whom Kabre had come to know as his friends, pitched in at astounding levels.

Small Group Fixing Neighbors' Homes Grows to 3.4 Million Volunteers

A small group of grassroots activists in Midland, Texas has spread hope to homeowners in need, providing critical home repairs free of charge. Since its inspiring start 30 years ago, Rebuilding Together has grown to a nationwide network of 3.4 million volunteers who have delivered services worth $1.3 billion to families, the elderly, veterans and community centers.

6 Quran Quotes That Teach Love, Tolerance and Freedom of Religion

Islam according to the Quran teaches love and compassion for every human being, no matter their religion, says Turkish author Adnan Oktar whose television show is watched by millions in the Arab world. He argues that violent and intolerant beliefs about Islam go against the teachings of the Quran and presents six quotes to support his claim.