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Muslims And Catholics Come Together For Christmas Food Drive

In a partnership built on the true spirit of giving, members of the Muslim mosque in London, Ontario decided to help boost a Catholic church holiday food drive. "I wanted to get a megaphone and shout ‘Can we keep this going all year, people?', said one of the organizers.

Dogs, Cars and Bedrooms: Person-to-person Sharing Explodes

One of the biggest trends out there is sharing. People like Rob Gonzalez are making a living from renting out cars, formal clothes, rooms to vacationers, and even pets. It has become the norm: People using online sites to share what they have – in the tangible world – with strangers.

Internet Campaign to Preserve Historic Manuscripts Raises $42K

Last year in Timbuktu, an irreplaceable trove of manuscripts at risk of being destroyed by advancing fundamentalist rebels, was secretly evacuated at great personal risk by a team of archivists, librarians, and couriers. The manuscripts were saved from immediate destruction, but today they are still jam packed in footlockers used for their evacuation, while enduring higher humidity than ever before, without protection. Now, an internet campaign launched to fund the purchase of archival bags and boxes to protect these documents has engaged people around the globe and raised $42,500.

GOP House Speaker Boehner Says He Wants to Help President Succeed

Congressional leaders unveiled a more conciliatory tone of cooperation in the face of a new Washington landscape that is suddenly more Democratic. In an 11-minute speech, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) hinted that the days of stranglehold partisanship may be over. Reading from a teleprompter, he suggested that he would work with Obama on the imminent fiscal issues.

New Life for Historic Railway

In what has been called an "historic agreement", a scenic stretch of railroad along the rugged coastline of British Columbia has been donated to a charitable community foundation ready to promote more environmentally friendly commuting and tourism.

5-year-old Canadian Empties Piggy Bank to Help Kenyan Baby, Inspires Others to Join

A baby in Kenya needed life-saving heart surgery, but it would cost $23,000 and the family couldn't afford it. Enter a 5-year old Canadian boy from Waterloo who heard the story and marched to his bedroom to empty his piggy bank. After seeing their boy Cameron's heartfelt gesture, the parents decided that maybe they could help him inspire friends, family and strangers to kick in the extra funds needed to reach the goal.

Episcopal Church Opens Doors to Muslims

The Rector and congregation of St John's Episcopal Church in Aberdeen have offered the hand of Christian fellowship - and part of their church building - to the hundreds of Muslims attending a neighboring and overcrowded mosque. The Aberdeen mosque is so busy at times that members of the Muslim community were having to pray outside in the wind and rain.

Firefighters Welcome Gang Members

In a neighborhood full of gang activity, where bullets sometimes fly, Fire Station No. 68 serves the community of central Los Angeles, instead of keeping a low profile. The Fire Department has opened its doors to the community.

Giant Prehistoric Fish Rebounding in Canada

When dozens of white sturgeon began washing up dead on the banks of British Columbia's Fraser River in the mid-1990s, some feared that North America's largest freshwater fish could be headed toward extinction. But now, thanks to an alliance of government agencies, environmentalists, aboriginal groups, and fishing interests, the sturgeon has been spurred to a robust recovery in the lower river.

New Orleans Firefighters Repaying the Favor for New Yorkers After Floods

After living through Hurricane Katrina six years ago, New Orleans firefighters recalled the help provided by New York City Firefighters, who arrived on the seen within days of the Louisiana levees breaking. Now they are repaying the favor, clearing out tons of debris in homes of firefighters whose Breezy Point homes were flooded.