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Hero Award Recipient: 'I Can't Let This Baby Die'

Tom Porter says he doesn't think he's a hero, but he'll soon have a bronze medal that says he is. The Texas resident was awarded a Carnegie Hero medal for pulling a 1-year-old girl from a burning vehicle. 20 others were honored as heroes this week

12-Year-old Boys Save Drowning Fisherman in New Zealand

It was hope in the form of a 12-year-old boy that saved Vincent Shao from sinking beneath the waves and drowning at Waihi Beach on Saturday. I thought I was going to die, the 32-year-old Auckland resident said after he lost his footing in waist-deep water while checking crab pots, and succumbed to a rip current.

'He Saved Hundreds': Army Chaplain To Get Medal Of Honor

It took more than 60 years, but an Army chaplain who died as a prisoner during the Korean War will be awarded the Medal of Honor by President Obama on Thursday. Capt. Emil Kapaun, who was a Catholic priest serving with the 3rd Battalion, will be honored for extraordinary heroism for bravery and service to others -- both in battle and after his capture by enemy troops in November 1950.

Young Doctor Saves Cyclist Pinned Under Limousine

On a sight-seeing trip with her family to Vancouver, Dr. Nas Rafi got to put her emergency-room skills to the test in a venue where usually only EMT caregivers shine -- on the streets amid the chaos of a car accident. It's lucky for the cyclist that the San Diego doctor was nearby. In the next minutes she would save her life.

Navy SEAL Received Medal of Honor for Heroic Actions in Afghanistan

Today at the White House, Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward C. Byers Jr. became the sixth Navy SEAL in U.S. history to receive the Medal of Honor. In a ceremony, President Barack Obama praised Byers' for his heroic gallantry as an assault team member during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2012. "Like so many of […]