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Watch Migrant's Incredible 'Spider-Man' Rescue That Earned Him Citizenship and a Job

Watch Migrant's Incredible 'Spider-Man' Rescue That Earned Him Citizenship and a Job
This 22-year-old hero is being called the "Malian Spider-Man" after he scaled the front of a building to rescue a boy on the fourth floor.

A 22-year-old migrant is being hailed as a "Spiderman" hero after he saved a young boy who was dangling from a fourth floor balcony in Paris this week.

Mamoudou Gassama, who moved to France from Mali a few months ago, had been in a restaurant watching a football match when he noticed a crowd gathering outside on the street.

A boy was crying and clinging to the outside of the balcony balcony railing. Meanwhile, the next door neighbors were struggling to rescue the boy.

Without stopping to think, Gassama quickly started scaling the front of the building by pulling himself up from balcony to balcony. Within seconds of approaching the building, he reached the boy and pulled him to safety - and the fire brigade had not even arrived yet.

In a video of the rescue, the crowd can be heard cheering Gassama on and screaming their approval over his exceptional rescue.

And the spectators weren't the only ones who praised the 22-year-old for his heroism - in honor of Saturday's events, Gassama recently met with French President Emmanuel Macron at Elyseé Palace.

As a means of thanking Gassama for his courage, Macron said that he would be making the Malian man a naturalized citizen of France. Not only that, Gassama was given a medal for bravery and a job position with the fire brigade.

Avec M. GASSAMA qui a sauvé samedi la vie d'un enfant en escaladant 4 étages í  mains nues. Je lui ai annoncé qu'en reconnaissance de cet acte héroí¯que il allait íªtre régularisé dans les plus brefs délais, et que la brigade des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris était príªte í  l'accueillir. Je l'ai également invité í  déposer une demande de naturalisation. Car la France est une volonté, et M. GASSAMA a démontré avec engagement qu'il l'avait ! - With Mr Gassama who saved a child's life on Saturday by climbing 4 floors with his bare hands. I told him that in recognition of his heroic act he would have his papers in order as quickly as possible and that the Paris fire brigade would be keen to welcome him to their ranks. I also invited him to submit a naturalization request because France is built on desire and Mr Gassama's commitment clearly showed that he has that desire!

A post shared by Emmanuel Macron (@emmanuelmacron) on

Avec M. GASSAMA qui a sauvé samedi la vie d'un enfant en escaladant 4 étages í  mains nues. Je lui ai annoncé qu'en reconnaissance de cet acte héroí¯que il allait íªtre régularisé dans les plus brefs délais, et que la brigade des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris était príªte í  l'accueillir. Je l'ai également invité í  déposer une demande de naturalisation. Car la France est une volonté, et M. GASSAMA a démontré avec engagement qu'il l'avait ! - With Mr Gassama who saved a child's life on Saturday by climbing 4 floors with his bare hands. I told him that in recognition of his heroic act he would have his papers in order as quickly as possible and that the Paris fire brigade would be keen to welcome him to their ranks. I also invited him to submit a naturalization request because France is built on desire and Mr Gassama's commitment clearly showed that he has that desire!

A post shared by Emmanuel Macron (@emmanuelmacron) on May 28, 2018 at 2:15am PDT

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, also praised Gassama on Twitter, saying: "He explained to me that he arrived from Mali a few months ago with the dream of making a life for himself here. I replied that his heroic act is an example for all citizens and that the city of Paris will obviously be keen to support him in his efforts to settle in France."

(WATCH the incredible rescue below)

Watch 22 year old Mamoudou Gassama heroically scaling four stories of a building when he sees a toddler about to fall to a certain death. When he began climbing the neighbors did not have ahold of the child's arm yet. pic.twitter.com/67EsUmzwFN

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