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Arab Spring

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Tunisia Basks in Praise Over its New Constitution

As recently as December, the outlook for Tunisia remained grim. However, on Friday, French President Francois Hollande and other world leaders attended a ceremony for the formal adoption of a document being praised as one of the most progressive constitutions in an Arab nation. What a turnaround, says an AP article.

Egypt Revolution Hero to Leave Google, Start NGO

Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who became the hero of the Egyptian revolution, on Sunday said he planned to take an extended break from the Internet giant to set up his own NGO in Egypt. He said his technology focused NGO will help fight poverty & foster education in Egypt.

American Ship Delivers Wheat to Feed One Million Syrians

A U.S. ship carrying enough wheat to feed more than one million people for four months was delivered for distribution to the Syrian people. The United Nations World Food Program received the contribution, worth more than $19 million, on April 21 in Beirut, Lebanon. The ship's cargo gave the WFP the ability to add flour to the monthly food basket of more than one million people.

Egyptians Vote Freely for a Leader Today, First Time in 29 Years

Egyptians relished their first free leadership vote on Wednesday, with Islamists pitted against secular figures in a contest unthinkable before a popular revolt swept President Hosni Mubarak from power 15 months ago. No one knows who will win the presidency, but Egyptians are enjoying the historic uncertainty.

U.S. Professor Reflects on Return Home as Libyan Rebel Finance Minister

In the largely improvised scramble to set up an alternative to leader Moammar Gadhafi's regime, the Libyan rebels are leaning heavily on Ali Tarhouni, a University of Washington economics professor who abruptly left his family and students to join an uncertain revolution. As finance minister, he even jumped on a fishing boat recently to personally deliver salary money to the besieged city of Misrata in the Gadhafi-controlled west.