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Tunisia's Hero Inspires Movie; Filmmaker Donates Proceeds to Help Other Young Men

Tunisia's Hero Inspires Movie; Filmmaker Donates Proceeds to Help Other Young Men
The Tunisian fruit and vegetable seller who inspired uprisings across the Arab world when he set himself on fire -- is now the subject of a movie. The filmmakers are donating all profits from the film to the man's family setting up a fund to help other young people like Bouazizi.

The Tunisian fruit and vegetable seller who inspired uprisings across the Arab world when he set himself on fire — is now the subject of a movie.

Mohamed Bouazizi was trying to make a living amid desperate economic conditions in Tunisia when police found he didn't have a license to trade and tried to stop him. He turned his despair into protest by setting himself on fire.

Tunisian movie producer Tarak Ben Ammar, who at the time was shooting his latest film — starring Antonio Banderas — was approached by the Bouazizi's family after they were inundated by worldwide media.

The filmmakers are donating all profits from the film to the man's family setting up a fund to help other young people like Bouazizi.

(WATCH the video below or read the story at CNN.com)

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