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Viewer's Generosity Changes Afghan Boy's Life

Caught in an Afghanistan firefight, 12 year-old Obaid lost both his legs, but refused to give up. He was being measured for prosthetics by the Red Cross when NBC News first featured his story in a televised report. A Boston-area grandmother was touched by what she saw and decided to help from 7000 miles away.

Muslim Woman Defies Odds to Build Power Company in Afghanistan

Masooma Habibi remembers her hands bleeding after weaving carpets with her mother in Iran when she was 5. Now she is part of a delegation of entrepreneurs chosen to take part in President Obama's Summit on Entrepreneurship starting today in Washington. She is proving that women can build businesses in traditional Muslim societies -- and succeed if they never give up.

Afghan School for Girls Succeeds Despite Lack of Walls and Books (with Video)

his Afghanistan girls' school successfully prepares students for University but without any roof, walls, library, or many books... until now. Thanks to an American charity, A Little Help, this school in Badakhshan province now has an entire library from grades one through twelve, lab equipment to help teach Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and several huge tents to keep the students out of the rain and hot sun.