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Afghan Mom Who Gave Birth on Air Force C-17 Named the Baby 'Reach' After the Aircraft That Rescued Them

Afghan Mom Who Gave Birth on Air Force C-17 Named the Baby 'Reach' After the Aircraft That Rescued Them
An Afghan baby girl was born about a U.S. Air Force C-17 during an evacuation and the child was named Reach after the cargo plane.

A pregnant Afghan woman who boarded a U.S. evacuation aircraft gave birth in the plane-and the baby girl was named 'Reach' after the C-17 that flew the family, and hundreds of other people, out of the Middle East to safety.

Medical support personnel from the 86th Medical Group met the Afghan mother aboard Reach 828, moments after she delivered the child in the aircraft upon landing at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

The mother went into labor on the flight and began experiencing complications due to low blood pressure.

The aircraft commander made the decision to descend in altitude to increase air pressure in the aircraft, which helped stabilize the mother and perhaps save her life.

Upon landing, Airmen from the 86th MDG came aboard and delivered the child in the cargo bay of the aircraft. The baby girl and mother were transported to a nearby medical facility and are in good condition.

"That child's name will forever be 'Reach,' and as you can well imagine it's my dream to watch that young child grow up to be a U.S. citizen…" said Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters, the head of U.S. European Command.

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