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Actor Jude Law in Afghanistan Promoting UN Peace Day

Actor Jude Law in Afghanistan Promoting UN Peace Day
"Jude Law traveled and filmed in treacherous areas of eastern Afghanistan to help promote the annual worldwide day of cease-fire and nonviolence, Sept. 21, U.N. Peace Day."

"Jude Law traveled and filmed in treacherous areas of eastern Afghanistan" to help promote the annual worldwide United Nations Peace Day, celebrated on September 21. His interviews with children, governors and community leaders will be compiled in a film to mark the day. "I think the message of peace is for everyone," Mr. Law said at a press conference in Kabul, where he was joined by the founder of the "Peace One Day" project, filmmaker Jeremy Gilley.

Mr. Law, who is also an ambassador for Peace One Day, and Mr. Gilley are in Afghanistan to film a documentary as part of the annual observance of Peace Day, an initiative of the world body to promote one day of ceasefire and non-violence throughout the world.

Mr. Gilley, who for eight years now has been working in conjunction with the UN and a host of other organizations and individuals to promote Peace Day, said the film is meant to inspire and empower individuals to mark the Day and to become "the driving force behind the vision of a united world."

"So in order to inspire people, we need to see action and we have come to Afghanistan to ask organizations and individuals to carry out that action so that what happens in Afghanistan inspires the world, gives them hope," he stated.

The film will focus on some of the life-saving activities carried out by UN agencies working in Afghanistan, "where the people are full of pride and courage, where there is hope, where there is beauty," Mr. Gilley added.

"The message has always been the same… to recognize and celebrate Peace Day, a single day," said Law. "Obviously, the hope is that this will affect the other 364 days of the year."

Visit PeaceOneDay.org to see a video of Jude Law and details on other activities to help countdown the days to September 21.

Photo: Peace One Day Twitter

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