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Facebook Privacy: 10 Settings Every User Needs to Know

Facebook's privacy settings are extremely detailed, giving you the ability to fine-tune the privacy aspects of almost every little part of your Facebook account. Unfortunately, for most users, this level of micromanagement makes Facebook's privacy settings a convoluted mess. Here are 10 essential settings you should know about.

Crawling Out of the Hole of Negativity

My personal mantra is "no mistakes, only lessons." I repeat this phrase to myself frequently as I tend to make a lot of lessons. It's easy for me to get down on myself when I make mistakes. My mind wants to endlessly review the event, which results in dark feelings enveloping me. There's no escape from the torment because I can't change what's happened in the past. Lessons, however, are a thing of the future.

Second Time Around: How to Find and Embrace a New Career After 50

When you're in the cockpit on final approach and suddenly have to abort your landing and try again, it's called a "go-around." It can be a little scary at first, but with a little planning and some patience, it is painless. The same is true for your career after age 50. You're all set to glide into retirement when from out of nowhere, you're forced to change course professionally. I know the feeling better than most people because it happened to me.