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Five Ways to Master Your Thinking and Beat Bad Moods

Five Ways to Master Your Thinking and Beat Bad Moods
Let's face it; a bad mood can damage important relationships at home and at work. What if you could reprogram your brain so that you don't experience bad moods as often? Here are five keys to unlock your bad moods.

Let's face it; a bad mood impacts your personal effectiveness. If your mood is not kept in check you can damage important relationships at home and at work.

Moods are simply a manifestation of emotion, and I like Eckhart Tolle's definition: "Emotions are the body's reaction to the mind." If you agree, then it makes sense that in order to beat a bad mood you must master your mindset, or your thinking.

What if you could reprogram your brain so that you don't experience bad moods as often?

Here are five keys to unlock your bad moods. These simple questions reframe your thinking so you can beat bad moods and live your life with no complaints, no excuses, and no regrets.

1. Recognize you have choices Choices equals power. By asking the question, "What are my choices," you have already reclaimed the power that having choices brings. That is the key to reclaiming mental mastery instead of being sucked into victim mentality.

3. Master your thinking So often we are slaves to our thoughts instead of master over them. If you are spiraling downward, the solution is to first notice the thoughts (as a voice in your head) contributing to the bad mood. What stories and half-truths are you telling yourself?  For example do you tell yourself  that you are too old, or mostly unemployable, or destined to live with hurt or disease?  These are stories instead of facts.

The second part of thought mastery is to speak back and take charge. Visually see yourself winking at the voice in your head, then imagine (or say it out loud) "Thank you for sharing." This helps you to acknowledge the negativity then dismiss it as insignificant in light of your choices or commitment.

4. Identify the real problem Sometimes it's just easier to get attached to the drama and the story than to make a commitment to change a bad habit or shake things up in a bad workplace situation or personal relationship.  Asking the question, "Where would I be without this drama?" can help you identify the real problem, and create new choices. What are the "benefits" you are indulging in from all that drama? (Do you get more attention from others? Does it make you feel powerful? — Perhaps the real problem is that you aren't applying your creativity enough or don't spend enough time caring for yourself.)

5. Release resistance Stuck energy sometimes needs to be moved. If you are in a really bad mood, instead of beating yourself up, dedicate a period of time to sulk, be angry and feel the mood. In other words, accept "what is". Releasing the negative energy this way, can help you open the door for seeing a possible solution. When you make this conscious choice to release the resistance, you put yourself back in control instead of being a victim to negativity.

In a nutshell, don't use a bad mood as an excuse for poor performance. Master your thinking, ask a better question and your energy will shift, and your results are sure to follow.

Marlene Chism is the author of Stop Workplace Drama, and a professional speaker. Order a copy of Stop Workplace Drama and join the book club at www.stopworkplacedrama.org

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