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Woman Leaves $20 Bills All Over Her Community For Her Birthday

Woman Leaves $20 Bills All Over Her Community For Her Birthday
Trying to think of something special to do for your birthday? Look what this lady did for her community in Toronto–something that made her "freaking happy".

Imagine coming out of the grocery store and finding a white envelope with a hand written note on the front that says, "This is a sign that you are loved!" – and a $20 bill inside.

Or what if you were walking along a forest trail, and saw something attached to that rocky outcropping ahead and picked up an envelope with $20 inside and a note that read, "More good things are coming your way!"

Imagine amongst that stack of bills in your mailbox is one lone envelope that says, "You are being taken care of!" and a $20 bill inside.

How would you feel?

I have been imagining the faces of people who discover the tiny gifts of love and support left all over my community. Since July – my birthday month – I have anonymously dropped over $300 (a small amount, really) into white envelopes with special notes and left them around Durham Region, the area where I live just outside Toronto, Canada.

I have told no one… until now.


I don't want kudos or recognition. In fact, I really deliberated ever sharing this; not even my husband knew about this. I did NOT do it to get anything in return–at all.

That was actually my point.

I have studied law of attraction, manifestation, and creation for over 15 years, and I sometimes felt a tone of "if you do something good, you will get what you want" in some of the teachings. I don't want to bargain with the universe over my karma. I don't want to say, "Hey universe, I am a good person. I do good things. Where is my payout?" So I challenged myself to just give with NO expectation at all.

Well that, and because it made me freaking happy – like gleefully, I-just-ate-all-the-cake, happy.

We ARE happiness, we ARE joy, we ARE abundance, we ARE Divine, and all those things we want are just a mirror of what is ALREADY THERE!

No, I did NOT win the lottery. No uncle left me a fortune. I did not receive a visit from Ed McMahon – I was HAPPY!

And that's the point. Don't you think of all we do in this life; to experience a semblance of joy, and for a moment to make another smile is the best? We are here to experience our truth: that we are happy, radiant, worthy beings NOW.

I don't know who picked up my white envelopes. I don't know whose mailbox I dropped envelopes in to, whose windshield I bombed, or whose favorite park bench held a surprise, but now my secret is revealed. I hope it does not take away from the magic, but adds to it instead. I plan to keep doing this, and much more to keep the circle of giving full and to feed the field with surprise, delight, magic, and wonder.


Wishing you many happy, white, anonymous envelope moments!

Photo Credit (top): Flood, CC 

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