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Stories That Matter

Little Girl Lovingly Donates Hair In Honor of Aunt and Grandmother

Little Girl Lovingly Donates Hair In Honor of Aunt and Grandmother
Her aunt and grandmother battled cancer, so young Daelynn decides in an act of kindness that there are children more deserving of her hair than herself.

Almost 4 months ago, I lost my sister to stage IV metastasized breast cancer. It was a very hard loss. So when my Mother called to tell me that she had been diagnosed with stage IV metastasized lung cancer just weeks later, my 5-year old daughter, Daelynn, and I were heartbroken. We made a special trip to Wisconsin a week ago to spend time with my Mother and say our goodbyes, which we hope won't be the last.

A few days ago, Daelynn saw a commercial on television about donating hair to those who have cancer. First, she asked if she could give hers to Grandma. I told her that Grandma probably would rather her donate it to another little girl who might need it more. She asked if I thought her hair was long enough to share with someone who needs it, to which I said yes. I told her it would mean that she would have short hair, and she told me in a very positive voice, "Yes, it's only hair, it'll grow back!"

Today she decided it was time for the cut and was very excited about sharing her hair. We measured and cut off 9 inches, which she placed in a Ziploc bag.

She then made a speech so sweet, that I got all teared up.

"Dear hair, we've been together a long time, but I know you will make any little girl who can't have her own hair very happy."

Then she jumped up and started clapping.


She LOVES her short hair and says that now two people are happy. I told her that more than just two people are happy and that I was so proud of her for choosing to do such a beautiful thing for someone else. She wanted me to make note that she was sending her hair in honor of her Aunt Kelsie and her Grandmother Kay Lee.

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