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8 Stories of Cops Being Absolutely Awesome in 2015

8 Stories of Cops Being Absolutely Awesome in 2015
From coaching little league to handing out gift cards, these officers made us freeze, put our hands above our heads, and applaud their acts of kindness.

Tired from days on the road and trying to save money, Robert Wood's family prepared for another night of sleeping in their car. But a Eugene, Oregon police lieutenant wouldn't let them stay in the city park. He paid for a room at a motel instead. (Read more)

Being stopped by a cop can normally induce panic—but a number of lucky people were all smiles when this officer approached them. As he walked the streets of his 14-year patrol route one final time, Commander Brian Peters, a retiring Minnesota policeman, sought out citizens who could use some extra money for groceries or school supplies and handed them gift cards. (Read more)

My son Brock was diagnosed in 2014 with Autism-SPD-impulsivity control issues. He has severe anxiety which makes it difficult to communicate with strangers. This past school year, he has overcame so many challenges, however this left him exhausted and angry at the start of the summer. But everything changed when we go to meet a few officers from the police department. (Read more)

When Officer Joe Hutson spotted a man in a wheelchair trying to mow his lawn, he and his partner, Officer John Khillah, decided to take over the job. After sending Officer Khillah to pick up a mower, weed trimmer and leaf blower from the Kalamazoo Public Safety station, the two got to work helping the Michigan man achieve grassy greatness.  (Read more)

Nine-year-old Gabrielle Garcar wanted an iPad more than anything. Because her family is struggling financially, she set up a lemonade stand outside of her grandmother's Ohio condo in hopes of raising the money herself.

When 22-year-old sheriff's deputy Zak Ropos stopped by for a cup of the sweet stuff and learned what the little girl wanted to do with the money—use the device for schoolwork, and to play games on—he pulled her mother over and told her he'd check to see if the old iPad he had at home was still useable. It wasn't—so guess what he did? (Read more)

The kids at Amber Watt's Gigglez and Grinz Daycare in Murrayville always get super excited whenever they see the police drive by–and even more excited when they can get a wave out of them. Imagine their elation when one officer got out of his squad car and sat down on the ground beside them. (Read more)

When two Michigan policemen were notified that a woman parked at a local McDonald's was holding a baby in her lap, they came ready to issue a citation. But after spending a few minutes with mom, they decided to donate a car seat instead. (Read more)

In one of the city's roughest neighborhoods, police are dropping their guns and batons and picking up bats and balls in an effort to reach at-risk kids through America's favorite pastime. Police officers like Angela Wormley are stepping up to the plate to coach boys and girls as part of the Englewood Police Youth Baseball League.

The program was started for kids 9-12 years old on Chicago's south side – an area notorious for gang violence – to gain the trust of children who are often suspicious of police. (Read more)

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