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Request: Help Me Tally 48 Good Deeds For My Birthday!

Request: Help Me Tally 48 Good Deeds For My Birthday!
Instead of cake and gifts for her 48th birthday this year, this inspiring woman is asking for acts of kindness... think you can rise to the challenge?

My name is Lamanda and I'll be turning 48 this year. Instead of presents, I'm asking folks to accomplish a "Pay It Forward" or "Act of Kindness" so I can get 48 deeds accomplished before my birthday on July 19th.

I started this on my Facebook page, but my circle of friends is small. So I'm reaching out to you, the folks of the Good News Network! Can you help me reach my goal? So far, we've accomplished 9 acts – that's 39 to go!

There are only two rules: 1) it must be an honest and selfless act. 2) You have to come back and tell us about it! It can be as simple as shaking a cop or veteran's hand, or you can buy a meal for someone who needs it. Whatever it is, please tell them what it's for and who it's for. The neat thing is, you'll both win! You'll feel great about what you've done, and the recipient will be the better for whatever you do. Thank you in advance for your upcoming acts! I look forward to us reaching my goal together!

(Let's help her reach her goal by sharing below!)

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