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New Study Says Watching Cat Videos is Good For You – Especially at Work

New Study Says Watching Cat Videos is Good For You – Especially at Work
An assistant professor at Indiana University Bloomington has officially confirmed that watching cat videos helps you feel more energetic and less stressed out.

Feel free to start sending thank-you letters to Jessica Gall Myrick, an assistant professor at Indiana University Bloomington who has officially confirmed that watching cat videos helps you feel more energetic and less stressed out.

Translation: watching Grumpy Cat is actually good for you.

The study revealed that in addition to decreasing negative feelings and increasing positive ones, most people who view these videos do so while they're at work – the purrfect place to receive that extra boost of endorphins! 


"We all have watched a cat video online, but there is really little empirical work done on why so many of us do this, or what effects it might have on us," Myrick said. "Even if they are watching cat videos on YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional payoff may actually help people take on tough tasks afterward."

Over 2 million cat videos were uploaded to YouTube in 2014 alone, wrangling up 26 billion views. The feline fodder fills the most popular category on YouTube.

Based on her report, Myrick believes that online cat videos could eventually become a form of low-cost pet therapy.

For your viewing pleasure, and for the sake of your health, check out these Office Cats below…

Use Your Paw to Pass This On to Your Friends… (below)

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