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Cat Receives National Hero Dog of the Year Award for Rescuing Boy

Cat Receives National Hero Dog of the Year Award for Rescuing Boy
Tara the tabby cat, formerly a stray, was awarded with the 33rd annual National Hero Dog Award for saving a four-year-old boy from an attack. Purr-fect choice.

Back in May, 2014, Good News Network shared a story about a cat who saved a little boy by scaring off an attacking dog.

This weekend, that tabby cat, Tara, formerly a stray, was awarded with the Los Angeles SPCA's National Hero Dog Award, an honor usually reserved for canines.

In the organization's 33rd year of giving the award, they made an exception for the Bakersfield, California cat, after its heroic actions were documented on the family's security camera. The rescue has been viewed 24 million times since being uploaded to YouTube on May 13.  


"We were so impressed by Tara's bravery and fast action that the selection committee decided that a cat this spectacular should be the National Hero Dog" said Madeline Bernstein, spcaLA's president. "A cat who was abused, forgotten, or neglected by her family would not have been as likely to perform selfless, heroic acts to save her companion."

Tara also bagged herself a year's supply of free cat food courtesy of PurinaOne.

Photos courtesy of SPCALA

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