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'Free Range' Kids Given the Okay to Roam Free By Maryland Officials

'Free Range' Kids Given the Okay to Roam Free By Maryland Officials
Child Protective Services cleared a Silver Spring couple of any wrongdoing for allowing their two young children to walk around their neighborhood alone.

When parents deem it safe for their children to walk to the park alone, that's good enough for the state of Maryland.

This week - for the second time - Child Protective Services cleared Danielle and Sasha Meitiv of wrongdoing for allowing their two young children, ages 6 and 10, to walk around their Silver Spring neighborhood alone.

The couple's "free-range" parenting style sparked a national conversation when they were investigated in April after police picked up the kids about a mile from their home. The Meitivs have always encouraged their children to become independent through exploring on their own - like most kids did just a generation ago.


A few weeks ago, the Maryland Department of Human Resources clarified its statewide policy, saying children walking or playing outside alone does not constitute neglect.

Danielle Meitiv said the family is relieved and happy, but looks forward to working in the future to make sure parents' choices for raising their children continue to be respected.

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