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Black Cat Becomes A Nurse, Tending to Every Wounded Animal

Black Cat Becomes A Nurse, Tending to Every Wounded Animal
A compassionate cat named Radamenes has become the mascot of a Polish shelter and a devoted nurse to all its patients.

When a rescued two-month-old kitten named Radamenes was rushed into a Polish clinic last year, doctors didn't think he would make it. Plagued with an extreme respiratory infection, they were planning to euthanize him – but, then he started to purr. It was the beginning of a miraculous recovery for the black kitty, and through it all he might have learned some tips about care giving.

He began seeking out ill animals that might need comfort or warmth. The staff noticed that Radamenes paid special attention to those, like himself, undergoing the most serious treatments. Whether hugging or grooming the patients, the "nurse cat" spends much of his day purring the sickest back to health.

Radamenes has become quite the celebrity in the town of Bydgoszcz, attracting many visitors who want to observe his loving technique. And, like any good nurse, he doesn't favor one species over another.

The photos, by Marta Sowińska, show him gingerly draping himself over any wounded area and watching over patients on their journey back to recovery.

This is one black cat these pets are happy to have seen cross their path.

(SEE more photos at the Polish website, TV Meteo)

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