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Olé! Another Mexican State Bans Traditional Bullfights

Olé! Another Mexican State Bans Traditional Bullfights
A third Mexican state has 'taken the bull by the horns' and banned bullfighting, as public opposition against the spectacle hits 73%.

A third Mexican state has 'taken the bull by the horns' and banned bullfighting.

As the spectacle sport continues to become increasingly unpopular, Coahuila joins Sonora and Guerrero in outlawing the practice.

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As Governor Ruben Moreira signed the Animal Protection and Humane Treatment Act on Tuesday, he called bullfighting "torture" and said "nearly 100%" of people in his northern Mexican state oppose violence against animals.

A recent nationwide poll showed 73% of Mexican citizens support banning bullfights.

Anton Aguilar of Humane Society International called the Coahuila ban "a significant step forward" towards ending bullfights "once and for all in Mexico."

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The Coahuila legislature was moved in part by a June report from the United Nations warning of harmful effects of bullfighting on children's mental and emotional health.

(READ more at FOX News) - Photo: Susana-Aysanoa, CC

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