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How Do Dogs Show Us Love? Let's Count the Ways in This Beautiful Video

How Do Dogs Show Us Love? Let's Count the Ways in This Beautiful Video
This poignant video from Milo's kitchen totally puts into words what we all feel about our beloved four-legged friends.

"Your tail wagged, my heart skipped a beat, and I knew you were the one. Thank you for always having my back."

This poignant video from Milo's kitchen totally puts into words what we've always felt, but many have not have expressed, about our beloved four-legged friends.

Their recent "Dog Happy Survey" of 3,000 U.S. dog parents found that ‘man's best friend' enriches our lives in surprising ways that often go unappreciated:

So, give Fido an extra hug, and maybe go buy him something nice.

And remember, on National Dog Day and every day: unconditional love is great, even if it is wet and slobbery.

(WATCH the video from Milo's Kitchen below)

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