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What Mindfulness Has Taught Me About My Father's Suicide

What Mindfulness Has Taught Me About My Father's Suicide
My father died 39 years ago, taking his own life after my 13th birthday. Father's Day triggered sadness & self-pity for years until I found mindfulness.

My father died 39 years ago, just a few days after my thirteenth birthday. Since he chose to take his own life, Father's Day has triggered sadness and self-pity for many years.

The more painful truth, though, is that when I learned he was gone, the deepest part of my young heart felt relief for him.

My earliest memories of my handsome, brilliant father—whose hands were once on the cover of Life magazine performing one of the earliest liver transplants—were fraught with mixed emotions. He loved me deeply, and let me know it. Despite that, I could never crack the core of his bipolar disorder-induced despair, no matter how hard I tried.

Years of therapy helped me realize that I could never have made him happy, could never have saved his life. Eventually I stopped counting the days in the run-up to Father's Day, stopped planning that I would be miserable, and got through the day in a relatively neutral frame of mind.

Six years ago, while recovering from breast cancer, I stumbled into a mindfulness practice quite by accident.

I discovered that I was spending most of my time focused on the future, with intermittent periods of being mired in the past. I was missing out on the beauty of life in the present moment, the only place where anything real happens.

Most shocking of all was learning that I have a choice in which thoughts to buy into. I can allow thoughts that don't serve me to float away. I can decide what memories to include in my highlight reel.

Learning these truths on an intellectual level is one thing. Unleashing the full power of present moment awareness requires a lot of practice. Nurturing a daily meditation habit has been key to translating theory into results.

My personal experience is in line with the mountain of neuroscience research results on the benefits of mindfulness meditation. Daily practice in the art of carving out a few minutes of stillness to observe my thought patterns has strengthened my capacity for:

Acceptance Non-judgment Compassion Empathy Forgiveness Sense of connectedness Gratitude

Instead of replaying the sad memories that trigger suffering, this Father's Day my highlight reel will feature these memories:

• The times I stood on my father's feet as a little girl while he danced us around the living room.

• The smell of his Old Spice aftershave after he shook it from the ivory colored glass bottle with the strange metal stopper and slapped it onto his face.

• The soft amber leather and black stitching of the baseball glove he bought and oiled for me before taking me to a park to play catch.

• And finally, getting behind the wheel of my father's car on my thirteeth birthday when he announced it was time for me to learn to drive. My feet barely hit the pedals and I suggested this might not be a good idea, but he insisted. When he died eight days later, I understood. He knew he was checking out, but not before teaching his youngest child to drive.

And those other memories linked to his depths of suffering, the ones I'm not choosing for my highlight reel? Those episodes made me stronger too. They taught me to live my life to the fullest, attend to my mental health and physical health, and seek treatment for both when needed. They taught me to cherish the gift of life and loved ones, since you never know how long any of us will be here.

Having a positive highlight reel doesn't mean burying the hard parts. With practice, we can honor the role of tough times in our lives and let the negative emotions go. Each stepping stone along the way, including the sharpest, most painful ones, shape us in positive ways if we stay open to learning the lessons.

It took therapy to get me to a point of neutrality on Father's Day. It took mindfulness to get me to a point of gratitude.

Martha Brettschneider is an author, blogger, and award-winning photographer with a passion for  mindfulness, finding beauty in the present moment. Breast cancer forced a reorientation of every aspect of her life—body, mind, and spirit. She lives in northern Virginia with her husband, two sons, and a rascally golden retriever puppy. Connect with Martha Brettschneider at marthabrettschneider.com and on Facebook and Twitter. (File Photo of a father by demandaj, CC)

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